Bipolar Girl Blog

A Bipolar Girl Living with a Narcissistic Husband

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'mmm Baaaaaack

This is the longest I have ever gone without blogging. I never intended to go this long without a post. Last week my decided to come down with some disease-virus whatever. Then my husband was home Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday. I thought I would never find my way back.

Things are shitty as usual. So shitty I don't even care to discuss it. I am glad to see that others can relate to the "stats"- google search words issue. I think I take issue with the fact that men are always looking for ways to qualify women as "crazy". They always fail to mention what leads up to the "crazy" episodes. My husband, then boyfriend use to love to tell me stories about his ex's and all of their crazy episodes. I felt so bad for him. How could these women be so crazy? Was he a crazy magnet? Now that I have been with him for far too many years I know he made them crazy because he is a class A dick. So let it be a warning to all of you who are looking for info on your crazy bitch girlfriend. If your girlfriend threaten to cut your throat after walking in on you with another woman-she's not crazy. You're a whore and a dick. I am sorry to be so harsh but lets give credit where credit is due.

I see today someone was looking for info on group homes for bipolars. Do people afflicted with bipolar need to live in a group home? I think that might be pushing it. Does such a thing exist? I will be conducting my own google search because now I need to find out. I have to cut it short for now but I will be back soon. Very soon.


At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.. i am a local N. Local as in KW. At least I think I'm an N. I want to change, so Im lookin to you for inspiration

At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing the results of your latest search. Hmmm, group homes for bipolar? I wonder if it would be end up similar to when a group of women are together for awhile and their cycles become in sync. Would a group of bipolars manic depressive cycles get into sync too? That could be scary.


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