Bipolar Girl Blog

A Bipolar Girl Living with a Narcissistic Husband

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I can spell

I can spell. You may not believe that, but it's true. I have been reading some of my posts and the errors are rather evident. Unfortunately, I never catch them until after the fact.

But I needed you to know...I can spell.

Where is Scott? It doesn't appear as though he has been to the blog lately, and that has me concerned. Scott, if you are out and about please leave a comment so I know you are alive and well.

I really don't know what to say today. I have been struck with a very uncomfortable feeling. The longer I blog the more people seem to be reading the blog. There is part of me that feels like an exhibitionist. I wonder how I am coming off? I wonder if I sound like a spineless, pitiful glob of goo who spends her days crying on the floor.

But I sit here and type because I feel like I have no where else to go. I do not have open conversations about my BP with anyone. My husband does not accept my BP, though he is happy to use it in the event it will embarrass me. My sister ask's things like, "Are you sure it's not a food allergy or something?" My friends question the diagnosis- "everyone had mood swings". On the few occassions I have tried to tell someone how horrible I feel, it becomes very apparent that it is a conversation that they do not want to engage in because it makes them uncomfortable. So I come to the internet looking for understanding and community. And there is a community and there is support. But for all those people who come here by chance - when those stupid internet spiders don't do their job, I feel like I am 5 minutes of freak show to them.

I starting to wonder if I should not be doing something else to help myself. I should be writing or drawing or doing something... because I am starting to feel like an asshole who spends too much time on the internet complaining.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

I write to get it all out - it's the only way I can say how I feel - without worrying about hurting someone's feelings or having them correct me (because of course I must have misunderstood) - I can write things I'm not comfortable talking to anyone about - It's my place.

If it helps you - then you shouldn't stop - plain & simple

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey BP Girl

Keep writing and don't worry about how you appear. I feel great empathy and fellowship with you so you need not be embarrased to say anything to me. As for those who judge....well I won't write what I am thinking. There is huge stigma with our illness but talking about it is very importamt to us.
Are you getting psycho-therapy? You should be. The best treatment of the depressive side of BP is a combo of anti-depressants and cognitive behaviour therapy. CBT would be of great value to you. I am sure you have heard of it but if not it is all about changing negative thought patterns.
Journaling is also great and your blog does that for you. This is something my therapist wants me to do but I find it hard to get the time. She always says it is important to get a record of your thoughts and what is going on including good and bad.
Reading is great and I have some great suggestions for you if you are interested.
And well you know where I stand on prayer. Your church may have a pastor trained in counseling who may be of help to you as well.

One of the biggest dangers of this illness is isolation. I feel so much better when I am out talking to someone or reading your blog. When I lay low things crowd in. Seek out people with BP in your area there are probably support groups. For sure keep blogging, I am so happy you had the courage to start, even a few years ago you would not have had this option and would be quite isolated.
As for those that don't understand be a little "in their face" stand up girl and be proud of your BP orientation! We are the creative geniuses. One of my first therapist described BP as having a Ferrari for a brain, I have always treasured that comment.

All kidding aside it is a difficult illness but in the short time I have had I have learned that talking and sharing your feelings is very important.



At 3:56 PM, Blogger BiPolarGirl said...

I am trying to stick with it. I think I am going to start trying some other things too because I need to way to work through this. If I were in school right now I would be quiting. If I were working right now I would be quiting. I have to find a way to live- to keep moving ahead but sometimes I feel almost paralyzed. I have no other words to describe it and I am become so angry and frustrated because I just want this feeling to end.

I understand why so many people go off their meds and stop seeing their therapists and shrinks. Because you want something to ends your pain. Lots of people have lots of problems, and they go to the doctor and get a pill for this and a pill for that and it changes things. I want a pill that makes me feel normal everyday but it doesn't exist. I'm tired of stopping and starting. I am tired of other people my age eclipsing me in accomplishment because they can run and run and run and never hit that brick wall.

For now I will keep going. Thank you for the encouragement. By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what is the add for your blog?


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