Bipolar Girl Blog

A Bipolar Girl Living with a Narcissistic Husband

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Feeling Like Crap

I feel like crap. I mean I really feel like crap. I am so tired of feeling this way. I wish I had just one person in my life who was always there saying go girl go! But that never seems to be the case. My friends are a strange brew and of them, I can say I have only one who has always been there for me but she and I are no longer close. She moved to Arizona several years ago and we only speak intermittently now.

I called the person I consider to be my best friend and told her I was thinking about going to nursing school. She and I had this same discussion over 4 years ago when we were both losing our jobs. It seemed like a good idea at the time because we had been told that the state would pay for our schooling through a displaced worker program. At that time she invited me over for dinner and told me she thought it was one of the more ignorant ideas I had, had in a long time. She had never known me to have an interest in nursing. She could not imagine me being a nurse blah blah blah. And she was right but sometimes in life we opt to do things because we need to take care of our family. Being in telecommunications I saw many lay-offs, many acquisitions, bankruptcies etc. And thousands of people would lose there jobs. Then thousands of people are all shoved into the market place at once competing for the same jobs.

Many of my friends who worked at other companies would lose their job with one, go to the next only to lose a second job within a matter of months. They pick up their families and move to work for new companies only to find out three months later their employer is going under. What this taught me is that I needed stability in my life. I need skill sets that would be an asset today, tomorrow and 20 years down the road because I have a family to think of. I left her house annoyed yet undaunted and I made an appointment to talk to someone about applying for grant $$ for displaced workers. The meeting was uneventful. They told me they would train me to be either a nurse or a truck driver because these are 2 of the most in demand careers. BUT it was the end of their fiscal year and they had no more money left in their budget. So, they told me to try back in a few months. And I did. Low and behold they still had no money, so I began to check into other programs all of which had 2-3 year waiting lists. And finally I said screw this.

Last year my girlfriend called me up with very mixed tones. She had this great idea that I should be in a nursing program because some of the teachers at her school were entering a program and they all stood to make decent money when they were done. I reminded her we had this conversation before and she said it was a dumb thing for me to do, but she told me she thought differently now and I should check into it.

Two nights ago I called her and told her I was seriously considering a nursing program once more. Once again she has had a change of heart and in gentle words told me that nursing requires a lot of math, chemistry and biology, none of which she feels I am up to. In her own special way she was calling me dumb.

What I wanted to hear from her is "...If that's what you want to do go for it! You're smart enough to do whatever you put your mind to." Sometimes she is the greatest friend I ever had, and sometimes she's just a bitch. Sometimes she tells me I need to get out of this house for my sake and the sake of my children and sometimes she says shit like "you made your bed now I guess you have to lie in it."

I think she is disappointed in me because I did not leave my husband 4 years ago when I found out he was having an affair. I think everyone was disappointed in me. Everyone acts as though life is so simple, so black and white. And truly it is not. We just bought a house. I just bought thousands of dollars of furniture to fill the house. My husband had horrible credit so nearly everything was in my name. The cars, the furniture, the credit cards. I had no job. No where to go. I was depressed, disoriented I felt that I could not sink any lower and I was absolutely paralyzed with fear do you go when you have no money, no job and you carry all the debt? I felt so low all I could think about was killing myself because I did not know how else I would ever get out of this mess. How much can a person shoulder?

I would go to my girlfriend's house often, and her mother who is from the "old country" would tell me how I had to fix the marriage for the sake of the children. The children needed both parents. I would try to explain to her that my husband is a dick. A TOTAL DICK. And she would tell me to pray to God so that God may change him. And I did pray to GOD but interestingly enough he is still a dick.

So here I am years later trying to get out of the same mess. It seems to me the only good ideas are the ones she comes up with because no matter what I do she questions me as to whether or not that is a good decision. She comes up with insane ideas that include me driving two hours to work and two hours back because she knows somebody who knows somebody who can get me a job somewhere in the outskirts of hell. And when I explain that I would have to get up at 4 in the morning and take my children somewhere so someone could take care of them and get them off to school she seems undaunted.

My husband on the other hand is screaming at me to get a job, get a job, get a job. But when I am on the computer applying he tells me now is not the time and wait for the kids to go to bed. And when the kids go to bed he complains that he has not seen me all day and now is not the time for me to be on the computer. And when I ask when is a good time he tells me sometime when I am not screwing over the kids or him with my bullshit.

On top of all this my house is crumbling around me which makes me even sadder. We bought a house that is well over a 100 yrs old with the idea of renovating it. When we bought it our combined incomes were around 100k. Since I have not had a steady honest job in a long time things keep breaking. The roof needs replaced. The furnace needs replaced. The fence needs replaced. My toilet started leaking into my dining room yesterday afternoon. I thought I would be fixing these things over the summer with the money we anticipating getting but it never came and the house keeps crumbling.

So I sit and watch me all my dreams , desires and ambitions burn before my eyes. I pray and pray and pray. I know God works in God's time but if he doesn't get to it soon there will be nothing left. The meds work okay when I feel like shit for no good reason at all but they do very little for me when my husband is screaming at me, calling me names and shingles are blowing around in my front yard.

I know if something doesn't happen and happen soon I am going to start drinking because there is only so much I can handle. I don't want to be a bad mom. I don't want to be a bad person. But I have been stuck in this room for such a long time. The doors are all locked and the windows are all shut. I see outside but it appears as though the rest of the world is mocking me. They're so happy. So content. Everything goes their way and all I want is a sliver of what they have.

My Ramblings...
Never is there a time when I am left alone. Always with me little feet and prying eyes. What are you doing Mommy? Why are you doing that Mommy? Never is there a quiet moment when I left alone drifting in the darkness atop soft firm waves. Moonlight night. Serendipitous silence to soothe the storm inside my soul. Just a peaceful moment one filled with reflection so that I might find the strength to be the Mother I ought to be. But in the pandemonium and the chaos my resolve is weak. My voice is loud and filled with anger. My rage so common it now goes unnoticed. Skin crawls, chest tightens, anxiety ridden. Have to get it out, throw it up, write it down. My heart is in my mind pounding, pounding, pounding. Like a jet plane. A freight train barreling down the line. In collusion for a collision. All these forces in me, fighting for a piece of me and all they ever wanted was harmony. Even now the voice inside my head is drowned out by the four year old who stands beside me.


At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Sweetie,

I am soooo sorry to hear you are having such a bad time right now.

As far as the nursing thing goes, I've been in school for the last three years, I finally got far enough on the waiting list that I got my acceptance letter to get into the nursing program just weeks ago. I start in May. It was one of the best days of my life, I felt like I had waited long and work hard to get this far, and now I finally feel like my goal is within grasp. Now, I've wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember. As far as it being a good thing to get into, it absolutely is. I know in my area I can work for a temp agency for $30 per hour plus bonus after I get my degree. My best friend is a nurse in Tennessee, and makes substantially less (probably $20 per hour), but that is because their cost of living is much less where she is. It takes a certain type of person to go into the field, but clearly you have thought about it a lot and have confidence that it could be something you can do or else you would have not persued it. With my husband the only one working right now, we don't make enough money.... you could get a pell grant, as well as others. Then once you get into the nursing program, you can qualify for nursing scholarships. I definately think if you are interested, you should go for it. Take what your friend said with a grain of salt... she isn't supportive enough if she got angry with you for not leaving your husband. Friends should be there to listen, offer advice and be supportive, not get upset because you didn't do what she wanted you to do. She is not in your position to judge. You know if you decide to take a career in nursing, she will be the first one to say, "good for you." She sounds like a fair weather friend to me. I'm not trying to judge your friends, and I apologize if I come off as harsh, but reading your post really pissed me off.

I'm trying very hard to follow this advise (however good or bad its working out for me):

Do what is best for you (and your children), do what makes you happy, not your husband, not your friends, because at the end of the day, its your life and your life alone, and you deserve happiness.

I'm praying for you.... "Go Girl, Go!"

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way.... I put off going to school for ten years after I graduated high school, because I am terrified of Math. I am the worst person at math that I know, you only have to go up to college algebra to take all your classes for the program. You can start out slow, and work up. I just got a B in what I thought would be horrible. There are instructors who are there to help, and often times, free tutors depending on your school.... If you want to try it, don't let it stop you.

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot's to think about here. I just started my own blog to discuss the insane process of going off my meds for my own BPD to try to have children. What a ride. I am sorry that you are having such a hard time right now. Blog friends are good for getting unconditional cheers though. Here are 3 cheers for you and whatever you decide!

At 9:56 AM, Blogger BiPolarGirl said...


I just got my paperwork in the mail yesterday. I am going to fill it out and we'll see where it leads. Thank you for the encouragement. Hope all is going well for you. You are in my prayers as well.


Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. I visited your blog and wish you good luck on the baby making. As for those people who think that someone with BP should not have kids, I can only assume they're feral. Not one mother amongst us has a perfect child. We just like to believe our children our perfect.

A child is a curly dimpled lunatic. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers. ~Edgar W. Howe

It is the hardest job you'll ever have but it will bring you the greatest love you have ever known. Good Luck!

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey BP Girl

You go girl! You can do it. When my sister was left high and dry by her husband she was 43 and had only a HS degree. She went into nursing full tilt and has had a great career since that time.
You seem like someone who has compassion and empathy, these are the most important qualities a nurse can possess. The rest (yes even the math) is just book study. Anyone can learn it if they have the desire. A great thing about nursing is that it will always be in demand. As the population ages and technology keeps developing more nurses will be needed, and in many non-traditional nursing jobs. Take my sister, when she graduated here in Atlantic Canada due to Gov't cuts (health care is paid for by the gov't here, no ins, no HMO's) there where no jobs available. But the private US system was screaming for nurses so she moved to Texas and eventually got here green card. She has changed jobs many times but always by her choice and has never been unemployed since graduating. 10 years ago she went from traditional nursing to a job with Blue Cross where her job was to assess patient claims prior to treatment to adjudicate whether or not they would be covered under the ins plan. So no traditional nurse work, but you need nursing to make these decisions.
Recently she decided to return to Atlantic Canada. Her job here? Well a few years ago the gov't set up this service called tele-care. If you are not feeling well you call an 800 number get a nurse who then discusses your symptons over the phone. The nurse then gives advice (treatment, see your doctor, go to emerg, whatever). The idea is this system takes pressure off the emergency rooms since many concerns can be addressed over the phone. My wife and I used it a lot for our kids. My sister will be in charge of one of these teams of nurses owing to her previous experience.
I think it is a fantastic field for you to get into, Nicola (our single mom) wants to go this route as well and we are strongly encouraging her to do so.

I urge you (as part of your get out of jail plan I have talked about before) to make this commitment to yourself that you will pursue this whatever it takes. I know you can do it after all us BP people are the creative geniuses!



PS I can spell two!


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