Bipolar Girl Blog

A Bipolar Girl Living with a Narcissistic Husband

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Assaulting a Cop

Assaulting a Cop

I am sure this will piss some cop off somewhere. Perhaps it will piss off a few cops. But really, why are cops assholes? As I previously stated I am married to one. Not only is he a cop, he is also a NP. Generally speaking I think this is a prerequisite to being a cop. Other women I know who are also married to cops seem to have the same problems I do. My husband likes to throw tidbits about me into conversation with his colleagues. For instance he recently told me, he told his female partner I am bipolar. What purpose does this serve? Why is it any of her business? My husband is fond of telling half truths and in some instances total lies. And he always has and agenda.

Today while we were speaking on the phone I asked him if he had the bankcard. We share one between the two of us because it is easier to keep track of money that way. He of course had the card even though he had just withdrawn money from the account the day prior. I told him I really needed the card. The children and I were going to a school event. The school was charging for food and refreshments and I had no cash. This caused a huge verbal altercation which resulted in him telling me I had another card I could use and certainly I should remember having that card, because he gave it to me right before I punched him in the back.

Yes I did punch him in the back. Multiple times in fact. And I am sure you are thinking I am some crazy abusive bitch. Well I’m not. What he leaves out of the story is this…Yesterday my husband asked for the bankcard and I explained to him I did not have it. He began screaming “you did have it you crazy bitch, how else did you buy groceries?” One would think the conversation escalated to “crazy bitch” but that’s nearly how all of our conversations start. I said I did not use the card, I had in fact written a check. For 15-20 minutes he screamed at me. He called me retarded, a crazy, crazy cunt, crazy whore- any combination of crazy you can come up with. He insisted that I find the card or he would refuse to go to work.. I looked in my purse multiple times just to make sure I had not overlooked a pocket or some crevice. He of course said “you already looked there you retarded bitch.”

Anyhow this went on and on. And I told him he really needed to check his wallet. He said he already knew it was not in there. I told him to check anyways. He checked and low and behold the card was in his wallet. He began laughing profusely but he did not apologize and then went on to say that someone must have put it in there because it was at the back of the wallet and he NEVER keeps it in the back. At this point I lost it. I punched him in the back 2-3 times and began screaming “I am so tired of you calling me names.” If I had a knife I would have been like that woman who stabbed her husband 120 times.

You see, everyday is much like that day. He is unable to find his wallet, his badge, his belt, maybe his shoes and of course it is my fault. Apparently, I moved his things and the tirade begins. The name calling is vicious and is always right in front of my children; it is rarely followed with an apology even though 99.5% of the time it is he who misplaced his things

The name calling is not reserved for private, it is often done in public as well. Another thing he is fond of doing is having one-sided conversations on the phone. I will call him and say “hey what’s up.”

He will respond with something like, “what the fuck do you mean by that?”

I will say “what are you talking about?”

And he will then respond with “I thought you were going to stop acting like this.”

Of course he is goading me into acting like a nutty bitch because at this point I am about to scream. I called to find out how he was doing and what time he will be home- should I bother make dinner for all of us?? But his demeanor and speech conveys a very adversarial conversation-one where I called to pick a fight when in reality all I wanted to do is see if I should make mac and cheese for the kids and I, or bake chicken and potatoes. And he only does when he is working he many several people.

He continues to respond to everything I say in a very inappropriate and defensive way until I am screaming at the top of my lungs because I can take it know more. I imagine at this point he is holding the phone away from his ear and mouthing- crazy bitch to his co-workers.

The funny thing is when he and I met he had an ex. And he would have similar conversations with her. I thought to myself- that must be one crazy bitch. Now I know who the crazy one is…


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