Bipolar Girl Blog

A Bipolar Girl Living with a Narcissistic Husband

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Maybe I'm Just a Bitch

I did not post yesterday as it was Halloween. I had to help in my son's classroom for their party and then later in the evening we had trick or treat.

It has really gotten to a point where I absolutely hate Halloween. In my neighborhood we have well over 1000 tricker treaters. YES over 1000 tricker treaters. I live on a "main street" so to speak and we have kids coming by the truck loads. Every year I buy more and more candy but, I never seem to have enough. This is the first year ever that I was able to pass out candy for the whole time. In years past I have ran in the house and shut off all of the lights, because I am out of candy and their are large mobs of children heading towards my house.

2 or 3 children come at a time, but more often than not they are lined up down my sidewalk. 4 children standing in front of me saying trick-or-treat at once and rows behind them. My nerves are frazzled a half hour into the evening because I know by the end of the evening my back will be aching and I will have dealt with enough feral children to last until next year. I barely see the costumes because I am so busy reaching down into a large canvas laundry container ( I need something to hold 40+ lbs of candy) that I don't have time to do anything other than reach from candy to bag, candy to bag.

But that's not what gets to me. What gets to me are the children who walk up behind me and self serve out of the container after I have given them candy (3 pieces per customer). Then there are the ones that say stuff like "hurry it up already." Many do not bother to say trick-or-treat, which is fine,but I do expect a thank you and many do not say that either. They just walk up with their bags out.

Some of the children tried to walk in my house??? Why? I can't say. I passed out the damn candy there was no party to go in the house behind me. I had a couple of kids tell me they needed to go into my house because they need to use the bathroom. This is probably why I am a bitch because I told them no. I don't let strangers meander through my home.

I called my mother after words and told her about the incidents and she responded by saying, "well what if they really had to go?"

I asked, " would you have ever taken me to a strangers house to use the restroom."

She replied, "no."

And I said, "exactly!"

Where are the parents? Why would you let your child come into my house? I could be a child molester, an axe murderer, who knows, I might being running a meth lab.

What about me? I suppose I am to leave my post so that the candy grubbing rug rats and grab some loot and run. I will escort them(the potty kids) into my house, and being that they are small and generally elaborately dressed, it will be a big production just to go to the bathroom. Three days later the cops will arrive at my door because they received a report that I took little Susie into my home, bound and gagged her while I danced around in a clown mask and worshipped Satan.

Am I a bitch? Maybe a paranoid bitch? I have been thinking about it since last night, and I can only conclude I would never go into a strangers house and I can't believe other people ask.


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi - delurking to say - I can't believe those kids thought they could come into your home -- now in our day (I'm 34) - we just would have gone by the mom would have been furious if I had gone into a stranger's home. But then again - my mom would have been there - hovering like a nervous nelly.

At 12:08 AM, Blogger BiPolarGirl said...

Thank you so much. I needed the affirmation. My mom would have never allowed me to do something like that either. I think the world has gone mad!


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