I went to my shrink the other day and told her I am just not sure if the Trilepital she prescribed in doing the trick. First of all, my biggest issue is anxiety. I find this aspect of being bi polar nearly debilitating. I have countless worries running through my head a million miles a minute. I can not manage all of my thoughts. It is nearly impossible to complete a task because I am bombarded with so many other things I can not focus long enough to see one task to completion.
My husband find this most frustrating because I am constantly forgetting things. Little things that probably seem so ridiculous to other people. He might ask me to go to the store and pick milk, juice, popcorn and potato chips. I will return home with milk juice and chips, but no popcorn. 4 little things. Why can't you remember 4 little things?? The popcorn is in the same isle as the chips. How does this happen. But I can't begin to explain all the things running through my head...The water bill is due better not forget to pay it, I need to make a dentist appointment, should I color my hair? What color should I color it? Did my son do his homework? I need to do laundry. Wait I also need to do dishes. What should I do first? I can't run both at the same time. The kids need baths. How am I going to manage the dishes, the clothes and the kids. But really I need to mop the floor. Did I ever make an appointment to have the car serviced?
I write notes all the time for fear I am going to forget all of the things I need to do. I write multiple lists all with the same information on them because the good lord knows I might lose a list of leave something off another list, then I have to cross reference lists. If it is really important I write it on my hand-how can I lose my hand? I can't say all these lists help because I often I forget to look at the lists and so then you have to find a way to remind yourself the lists exist.
So the long and the sort of it is, I spend most of my day fretting and accomplishing nothing. I wonder how my life got this way. I have had these types of issues for a very long time but everything seemed so much more manageable when I was younger. The older I get the harder it is to manage. Hopefully the Clonazepam will help. I need my life back
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